According to The American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs effects such as making a baby sleepy, prolonged sleep, looked weak, stunted growth process, abnormal weight gain, and the possibility of reduced milk sucking reflex. In addition, newborns with immature liver will be affected by alcohol is riskier than older infants.
4 Important actions for mom :
1. Do not drink alcohol every day, limit the amount. Strive to drink non-alcoholic alternative.
2. Set the time drinking, ie after feeding the baby. You should also avoid breastfeeding 2-3 hours after drinking alcoholic beverages. Highest levels of alcohol in the blood and breast milk is in the span of 30-60 minutes after the mother drinks alcohol, or about 90 minutes after the mother's drinking while eating. Flushed and discard breast milk, or drinking water in large quantities, will not accelerate the loss of alcohol in your blood and breast milk.
3. Provide expressed milk before you go to an event when you might be drinking alcoholic beverages. That way, your child can still drink milk as long as you leave and while you are still under the influence of alcohol. If you are too much to drink at the event, so feel drunk and vomiting, you should delay before breast-feeding your baby for 12 hours.
4. Do not stop breastfeeding and switch to formula. Breast milk of mothers who drink alcoholic beverages are still better than formula milk, because it still contains substances immunity and privileges of the other breast.
4 Important actions for mom :
1. Do not drink alcohol every day, limit the amount. Strive to drink non-alcoholic alternative.
2. Set the time drinking, ie after feeding the baby. You should also avoid breastfeeding 2-3 hours after drinking alcoholic beverages. Highest levels of alcohol in the blood and breast milk is in the span of 30-60 minutes after the mother drinks alcohol, or about 90 minutes after the mother's drinking while eating. Flushed and discard breast milk, or drinking water in large quantities, will not accelerate the loss of alcohol in your blood and breast milk.
3. Provide expressed milk before you go to an event when you might be drinking alcoholic beverages. That way, your child can still drink milk as long as you leave and while you are still under the influence of alcohol. If you are too much to drink at the event, so feel drunk and vomiting, you should delay before breast-feeding your baby for 12 hours.
4. Do not stop breastfeeding and switch to formula. Breast milk of mothers who drink alcoholic beverages are still better than formula milk, because it still contains substances immunity and privileges of the other breast.
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